The power of positive thinking! Hmmmm…positive thinking…now that is something new!
Those who practice positive thinking see possibilities and opportunities in everyday situations. They look for ways to make things happen instead of just sitting back and waiting for whatever happens. Positive people are optimistic and generally all around happy people. Never do they think…”why me” or play the “woe is me” factor. Instead positive people embrace their situations, tackle them head on and expect others to do the same. Positive thinkers always try to place themselves and the people that surround them in the best light possible thus ensuring a positive outcome to most situations. They also recognize their faults and are constantly working towards bettering themselves. Positive thinkers also recognize there will be setbacks and rarely lay blame on anyone, they admit their mistakes, and they learn from their mistakes and see their mistakes as missed opportunities. Learning from your mistakes is an essential tool to being successful. Remaining focused and positive and creating opportunities is integral to one’s personal and professional growth. People gravitate towards positive people! Attitude is everything to everyone. Would you want to deal with a friendly smile or a hurried scowl? Think about your last interaction you had where you were the customer…how did you feel? Would you return? Would you complete a positive or negative survey? Would you even take the time to care? Hmmmmm…those same questions are all the things the people that interact with you are thinking! If your attitude is poor, do you think that comes across? Of course it does! The same holds true if your attitude is positive, of course it comes across! Do you think your business would increase if your sales people and customer service people portrayed a positive attitude? YOU ARE DARN RIGHT IT WOULD! So the next time you have the opportunity to be involved with a customer…answer the phone with a smile, stand up, smile and shake the customers hand if they are in front of you, use a sincere tone to your voice and always, always, always remain positive!