Wow that’s a big word! In the busy world of today, communication more specifically how we communicate can make or break any relationship whether it be a personal or business relationship. Communication and the way we communicate is the foundation for relationships. How did we ever survive before smart phones, tablets, and email? Does anyone even handwrite or send a letter anymore? Gone are the days of excitedly waiting for the mailman to bring holiday cards and letters from a distant friend or family member. It’s all so easy to stay in touch now. So how has technology improved communication in the workplace?
Most businesses large or small recognize and use electronic communication. We now communicate via computers, smart phones, tablets or any other devices every minute of every day. Electronic communication is expected and welcomed by many. There are still some although few and far between that prefer a personal contact either in person, via mail or on the phone. The key for most businesses is to get the balance right. When to call, text or email is challenging when dealing with customers. Also as a business how we prefer to be contacted is often missed.
Effective communication needs to be clear and concise. Listen carefully to what others say. In the workplace, people often think they’re listening, but are really thinking about what they’re going to say next when the other person stops talking. Truly effective communication goes both ways. While it might be difficult, try really listening to what others are saying.
The importance of effective communication for employees and managers cannot be overemphasized. Everything done in the workplace involves communication. Communication is needed to increase efficiency, satisfy customers, improve quality and create and overall positive experience for all involved. When all members of a team are able to communicate effectively with each other and with people outside the company customer satisfaction soars. Effective communication is not about winning an argument or being right, it is about knowing what the other person expects and delivering what is promised.
At Moppert Brothers, we deliver what is promised. We invite you to get to know us………